Jon Olofsson Nordin is a Swedish dancer based in Munich, Germany. He completed his dance education at Iwanson Intenational School of Contemporary Dance working with the choreographers Johannes Härtl, Caroline Finn-Fischer, Patrick Delcroix, Sonia Rodriguez Hernandez, Rosanna Brocanello and Ryan Mason amongst others. He has performed extensively as a dancer with the Bayerische Staatsoper working with choreographers such as Dustin Klein («Les Vêpres Siciliennes», «Idomenio»), Beate Vollack («Semiramide»), Alan Brooks («Die Fledermaus») and Cindy Van Acker («Tannhäuser»), and worked numerous times with the choreographer Johannes Härtl in «Silent Water», «French Kitchen» and «Other World».
At the Origen Festival he danced in «Sense of Place» (2022) by Dustin Klein.