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State reception on the Julier pass


Benjamin Hofer had his particular focus on the production «La Regina da Saba». The photographer followed the production for more than a year. From the first reconnaissance, to the winter rehearsals and the costume fittings, up to the construction work and the premiere on top of the Julier pass. Benjamin Hofer captured these moments and the life behind the scenes on the camera. The melancholic, dominated by the rough landscape,  photographs show the confrontation between actors and the unpredictable summer weather on the mountains, the fight against the wet, cold, fog and lastly even snow. He dedicated a portrait series to the volunteers behind the scenes. The book is rounded off with largescale landscape photographs, that document the ephemeral Julier temple in the barreness of the landscape for posterity.


The book is available at the Origen Festival Cultural in Riom and costs CHF 54.–. 


For shipping by mail, postage and packaging costs will be charged additionally:

A-Post: CHF 11.–

B-Post: CHF  9.–


Order your personal copy now at the Origen production office, phone +41 (0)81 637 16 81 or info(at)

